A beautiful and well detailed diecast model of a 1960 Mack B-Model Pumper fire truck. It is "New in Box" (NIB), never removed from the box and it's original packaging. It was so securely packaged that we did not even attempt to remove it from the box to photograph. It is a 1/34 scale diecast replica, manufactured by First Gear.
In some cases, when photographing these delicate models, we do not unpack or remove the cars from their original packaging since we would never get them repacked correctly, which could subject them to risk of damage. However, we do inspect them, as carefully, and, to the extent possible, to check for any damage. In cases when we do remove a car from it's original packaging, it's only when we are confident that can get it repacked exactly as it came from the factory, without damaging it. These high-end diecast models are extremely well packaged from the factory in order to prevent shipping damage. In the rare case that we do find any damage, it will be noted in our listing description.
This item is over 30 years old. The plastic partts of this car are glued. Over time, it is typical for the glue to dry out and deteriorate, allowing the potential for a small plastic part, or parts, to fall off during shipping. If you find a part has fallen off in the box, simply reglue it. For this reason, this item is being sold "AS IS" and is not returnable.
Before shipping, we carefully inspect the cars, as best as we can determine, to insure that no parts have fallen off or are missing. We do not advertise, or sell, cars that we find with damage or missing parts. All cars are shipped in their original box and packing.
The pictures are part of the description so please carefully review them and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions before you buy. All sales are final, except in the case where an item is substantially not as described.
Due to the variation in the way different cameras, computer monitors and lighting will affect and display colors, actual colors may differ slightly from those shown in the photos.
We are not responsible for packages not received by the buyer due fashion to an incorrect shipping address on your order. Packages lost due to an incorrect, or undeliverable shipping address are not eligible for refund.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen items shown as “delivered” by the carrier (insurance does not cover items shown as “delivered”); or shipment and delivery delays due to natural disasters, acts of God or work interruptions beyond our control.
Product code: Diecast, 1960 Mack fashion B-Model Pumper, First Gear