Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of the items of my s op Natural Pink2Kunzite Octagon ShapeGCut Stone"We dealyinGgood quality stones only.All2ourJstones are 100% Natural.Therquality of stone bybestGforJthgGprice.We s 27 everydayJof the week form Monday-Saturday.pWepwillJdo ourJbestGtoGship your orferJthe same dayJor2the next
Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of the items of my s op Natural Pink2Kunzite Octagon ShapeGCut Stone"We dealyinGgood quality stones only.All2ourJstones are 100% Natural.Therquality of stone bybestGforJthgGprice.We s 27 everydayJof the week form Monday-Saturday.pWepwillJdo ourJbestGtoGship your orferJthe same dayJor2the next
2.65 Carat Natural Kunzite Stone, Face Im Kunzite Octagon fashion ShapeGStone, Cut Stones ".