Rust Ivory Sage Green Wedding Bouquets Fall Bridal Wedding Bouquet ,Orange Bridal bouquet, Bridesmaid bouquets Wedding Boho fashion Bouquet
These are beautiful bouquet with various greens, fabric flowers, All these materials are silk flowers can be ordered months in advance of your wedding date and will stay beautiful for years after.
We also can coordinate corsages, boutonnieres and crowns to match this design.
Sizes and Costs:
Flower Girl Bouquet 9”: $55
Bridesmaid Bouquet 12”: $85
Bridal Bouquet 18”: $145(As picture shown)
Arrangement 20": 65$
Arrangement 28" : 99$
Production time 1-3 working days.
*6-12 days, price 40 dollars, ( in different countries)
Normal standard delivery time out from Ukraine takes about:
U.S. - 10-25 days
U.K. - 15-25 days
Canada - 15-35 days
European Union countries - 8-25 days ( excluding Italy - 20-30 days )
Australia - 10-30 days
New Zealand - 13-25 days
South Africa - 20 days
Israel - 10-18 days
Japan - 15-21 days
Other countries - to 25 days. fashion