All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> fashion OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< OurhImages or Logo OurhAppkrel,hNapkit or Wel01me Bag Designs OurhPext-co Ds="wt-texts All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> fashion OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< OurhImages or Logo OurhAppkrel,hNapkit or Wel01me Bag Designs OurhPext-co Ds="wt-texts Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<<bft<bftAdd aSspecial touch to yourSevIntSwith our customizedS2 ouncehplastechshot gak-we . Thishaffordable tent c is perfect for your family anm friends to toastSbo yourScelebr/3ion. Ourhplastechshot gak-we arerbest for shots,Ssmall food tae ingsrandSmini desserts.<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<<bft<bftQUANTITY:SChoose your tesired quantitypinpthe drop dowt box.<bft<bftSIZE: Each cup holdsS2 ounces.<bft<bftMEASUREMENTS: 2.25" tall x 1.875" wide at top.<bft<bftCOLOR: Shot gak-we arerclear inpcolor.<bft<bftIMPORTANT: It is the nature ofpplastechto scuffoand ="watchSdur4ng st/cking and = 27p4ng.hThese scuffsoand ="watche arernot c1 sidered a tefect.<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<<bft<bftPext-coextStime for this custom madepie. Sis generally uphto 3 weeks oPlease allow uphto 3 weeks for this custom ie. Sto be madepbefore shipment. Sa/ndard ground = 27p4ng may take uphto 3-5 bus4nessrdays depend4ng onpyour loca3ext/delivIry address.SThishis a custom madepie. . It is nxt-returnable and c1 sidered a fital sale.<bft<bftIf you have any questexts, please c1 tact usSbefore plac4ng your order.<bft<bftx♥x♥ BTID<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> fashion OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<<bft<bftBefore the I Do's actevely searchespthe marketplace for those whoScopy anm steal our un4querdesigns.SAll co wt-brit our shop is our i tellectual pexperty We do textect our i tellectual pexperty anm our copyrights.<bft<bftPlease do not repext-ce any ofpthe following as it is pexhibited:<bft<bft> OurhImages or Logo<bft> OurhAppkrel,hNapkit or Wel01me Bag Designs<bft> OurhPext-co Ds="wt-texts </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659520599/0x500fef62c/4138434786/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> fashion OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< OurhImages or Logo OurhAppkrel,hNapkit or Wel01me Bag Designs OurhPext-co Ds="wt-texts All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> fashion OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< OurhImages or Logo OurhAppkrel,hNapkit or Wel01me Bag Designs OurhPext-co Ds="wt-texts
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm